What Can You Do???

Celebrate Yourself – Celebrate your beauty by enjoying yourself and doing something that makes you happy.
Know your facts-Research your fact go to the links provided to find facts and more information on this issue.
Spread awareness- Start a club, support group, pass out flyers make the issue known.
Don’t support products or companies that exploit women in their ads- Don’t buy products that degrade you and other women.
Join the National Organization for Women (NOW) Love Your Body Campaign- Go to the link provided under links page for more information.
Write Letters to editors about negative advertising- Write to the editor or to the companies that put out exploitive advertising and let them know how it affects you and make you feel.
Petition- Petition and send them to the businesses that promote offensive women advertising.    
Speak Out- Speak out talk to your friends, peers, and others about your opinion on this issue. Bring it up in general conversation; don’t be afraid to speak out.
Don’t compare yourself to what the media shows you- Everyone is different try your best not to compare yourself to the medias unrealistic standard of beauty. You are Beautiful. You are Different. You are You.
